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Men’s Fitness: Muscle Building Foods

Summer is fast approaching but the only thing you’re getting is a skinny body and not a lean one that can magnetize chicks at the pool or the beach. Sure, strong muscles can be developed by lifting weights that drag your energy down but not only that, muscles can be developed from what you’re eating. Here are some foods that can help you build muscles over the course of a month.

Whole Eggs - Cheap & rich source of protein: 7g/egg. The yolk contains most nutrients: half the protein, vitamins A/D/E and cholesterol to naturally increase your testosterone levels.

Don’t worry about cholesterol in eggs. Dietary cholesterol isn’t bound to blood cholesterol.

Salmon - One of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids that also gets you 20g protein per 100g serving. Farm raised salmon is, however, omega-3 consistent Go with the best fish which is salmon.

Yogurt - Contains bacteria that improve your gastrointestinal health. Don’t buy frozen yogurt or yogurt with added sugar and fruits at the bottom. Get plain low fat yogurt. Eat it with berries & flax seeds.

Brown rice - A slow-digesting whole grain that provides you longer-lasting energy throughout the day, and during workouts. Brown rice also can help boost your growth hormone (GH) levels, which are critical for encouraging lean muscle growth, fat loss and strength gains.

Chicken Breast - 1 chicken breast contains 31 grams of protein. Among all the meat you can eat, chicken breast has the most protein that you can take in your body. Not only can it build muscles but also it helps you recover after a long gym day of weights.

Green Tea - Strong antioxidant and natural diuretic. Green tea also speeds up fat loss, prevents cancer and improves blood sugar & circulation. Drink green tea in the morning instead of coffee. Real green tea, not the teabags.

Apples - The specific polyphenols in apples help to increase muscle strength and prevent muscle fatigue, allowing you to train harder for longer. Other research also shows that these polyphenols can increase fat burning as well. That’s why it’s a good idea to make apples a pre-workout carb source.

by Ken Alejandro

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