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We’re going to cook a merienda that is not only delicious but also fits your healthy diet! We are here to prepare the snack called Crispy Cauliflower. It’s very easy to prepare but before we go into cooking and munching, let’s discuss the benefits of Cauliflower.

Cauliflower is from the cruciferous group of vegetables, regularly eclipsed by its green cousin broccoli. This is one vegetable that merits a standard pivot in your eating regimen, in any case, as it contains an amazing exhibit of supplements, including vitamins, minerals, cancer prevention agents, and different phytochemicals.


1. Fight Cancer

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that has likewise been appeared to kill cancer stem cells, in this manner moderating tumor development. A few specialists think dispensing with tumor undifferentiated cells might be critical to controlling cancer.

For example, research has demonstrated that joining cauliflower with curcumin (the dynamic compound in the zest turmeric) may help forestall and treat prostate cancer.

2. Digestive Benefits

Cauliflower is an important source of dietary fiber for digestive health.

3. Detoxification Support

Cauliflower helps your body's ability to detoxify in multiple ways. It contains antioxidants that support Phase 1 detoxification along with sulfur-containing nutrients important for Phase 2 detox activities. The glucosinolates in cauliflower also activate detoxification enzymes.

4. Boost Heart Health

Sulforaphane in cauliflower and different cruciferous vegetables has been found to essentially enhance pulse and kidney work. Researchers trust sulforaphane's advantages are identified with enhanced DNA methylation, which is pivotal for typical cell work and legitimate quality articulation, particularly in the effortlessly harmed inward coating of the veins.

5. Boost Brain Health

Cauliflower is a decent source of choline, a B vitamin known for its part in mental health. Choline admission amid pregnancy "super-charged" the mind development of people in utero, demonstrating that it might support improve capacity, and enhance learning and memory. It might even lessen age-related memory decay and your cerebrum's defenselessness to toxins amid adolescence, and additionally giving assurance sometime down the road.



Cauliflower Egg Breading Flour Pepper


1. Cut the Cauliflower. (Any size)

2. Mix the breading mix, flour, pepper and egg

3. Dip the Cauliflower into batter individually

4. Put it into the frying pan

5. Wait until golden brown

by Kristian Noel D. Alejandro

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